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Mind and Psycho
Counseling and Psychology interventions Center Reg. No.: M-992 |
Mind Counseling and Psychology Center, Holder of Legal Authorization from
Iran Counseling and Psychology Organization
Bigdeli Mind Simulation Center
Table of Contents | Page |
Introduction | 2 |
Simulation | 2 |
Mind simulation | 3 |
Potential of the mind simulation method and its superiority | 4 |
Part 1: Introducing the explanations | 7 |
Part 2: Significance and horizon of this method | 8 |
Part 3: Application in quick learning of football techniques | 10 |
Application in the treatment of stuttering and speech disorders | 15 |
Application in the treatment of bulimia nervosa | 24 |
Part 4: Conclusion | 25 |
Suggestions | 26 |
Support | 26 |
Executive and Treatment Team | 27 |
Contact | 27 |
References | 28 |
Annexes | A |
Research Report:
“Mind Simulation Method”A new hope in speeding up the process of treatment and education based on the new approach of mind simulation
By:kamarzarin,H. Bigdeli,M (2022)
- Introduction
Humanity has always been looking for answers to its questions, i.e. solving problems, for its protection and survival. For this purpose, the curious person started experimenting and in more important cases he sought refuge with reliable or powerful people, which was the easiest way. This way, which relied on the knowledge of others or the approval of justified people, continued for about a thousand years, which is called the Middle Ages. A clear characteristic of this period (in Europe) was the monopoly of knowledge in the vision of a particular group. During this long period, the experience and expression of it by ordinary people in important issues such as moral principles, treatment, etc. was not justified. After the Middle Ages, i.e. the beginning of the Renaissance, by using the scientific method (research method), the progress of science or problem solving reached such a speed that every day the findings of researchers answered to new needs. In this way, some previous findings were outdated or updated based on the findings of experts. After that, efforts to increase knowledge and speed up learning became one of the needs of the society.
- Simulation
One of these new efforts in education is called the simulation method. In most of the trainings, by using this method, the training process has become more efficient in terms of time and cost, and it is evident that the increase of knowledge has been given more speed and quality. This method is still used today, including in the sciences such as medicine, sports and the military, and of course film and entertainment.
In simulation, we try to provide the necessary training in a space similar to the real space. This method requires facilities and, of course, related expertise. For example, in medicine, by spending money and time to prevent human errors on the patient, a similar software is used, such as football, which uses similar or virtual spaces for training.
2.1. Mind Simulation
With this short introduction, which is said to familiarize with the simulation method, a newer method is mentioned, which, following the efforts of the previous methods, tries to speed up the process of increasing knowledge and solving educational and even therapeutic problems. One of the advantages of this method is speed in learning and lower cost in education, learning also seems to happen more stably.
During the recent years, a group of Iranian psychologists (Mojtaba Bigdeli Shamloo and Dr. Hamid Kamarzarin) have been able to register the method of simulating the mind and then introduce and implement it in a thesis and in a scientific environment.
Mind simulation: a psychological method influenced by the school of behaviorism. In the mind simulation method, the transfer of the behavior recorded in the skilled person’s mind is translated and taught to the target person through simple coded behaviors (Kamarzrin. Psychologist’s Practical Dictionary, Avae noor Publications 1400 irani year-equall2021 iran-tehran).
In this method, a person who has the necessary skills (for example, speaking or sports skills, etc.) is selected. The skill of the person in question is coded and taught in the form of a simple chain of behaviors to a person or persons with suitable mental and physical conditions.
Imagine you have an electric keyboard with 1000 keys on your right and a screen with 10 lights on your left. You have to find 10 keys with the same experience or stimulus and response among 1000 keys so that the 10 lights on the left turn on. In this effort, you may spend 30 minutes to reach your answer. This answer is recorded in your mind and stored in your memory, and if the skill is complex and time-consuming, its neural trace is stored in the relevant area of the brain. Suppose the answer found in the above example is a 1000-key keyboard in the form of “Z”. This form is taught to another person at a high speed to learn the answer key. This means reducing cost, time and, on the other hand, the possibility of teaching more people in less time.
One of the applications of this method is teaching complex skills, which are usually the result of years of experience and applying talent. Cultivating sports stars or cultivating skilled people through modeling successful or efficient people in a short and comprehensive time is one of the practical goals of this method.
Figure 1 – how the mind simulation method works
Part 1: Introducing Mind Simulation Method
- Introducing mind simulation
“Mind Simulation is a knowledge of access to human mind data. It means simulating of mind data and converting them to physical data for their further observation, e.g. observing a skill in an individual and eliciting the significant acquired behavior codes, and teaching them to interested individuals or the ones in need. This knowledge allows us to figure out mind data and make faster change in mind” (1). Normal people are equal in terms of physical abilities. What makes them varied is their mental and neural abilities. Some of such abilities are genetic in nature and others are acquisitive. However, there are special algorithms for both which determine mind and brain function. Such algorithms are formed in a relatively long time and result from numerous trial and errors. Some of them have been genetically transferred from past generations, or have come into existence by acquisition through long periods after numerous trial and errors. In both cases, some evolved models are formed which set how mind and brain must work, and lead to development of more intelligent, more complex and faster behavior such models the individuals benefited are not aware of nature and do not have full access to it. If such algorithms are identified and simulated, we may speed up learning process in various fields multiply our abilities and talents, provide a set of top abilities and skills, and nurture extraordinary human beings.
Neural circuit is required for any action each neural circuit sets the form of behavior or motion. It is as a yule or command in the brain and named as main code. This is an electromagnetic command decoded in our brain and turned into data beats. Such beats are constituent elements of neural circuits. Depending on simplicity or complexity of neural circuits, their formation requires a time period. Simple behaviors such as holding an object, opening a bottle tap, getting on escalators, etc. require short time; while complex behaviors such as driving, performing music techniques, or doing professional exercises require months or even years. Talent based behavior, are innate and may be imitated once, but they cannot be created since their creation source is not available and transferable. According to mind simulation theory, all skills and abilities are basically certain circuits which determine mind and brain function. Mind and brain do not deal with the time period of a neural circuit composition and its genetic or acquisitive nature. Identification of mind and brain function algorithms and its simulation in another individual’s mind and brain leads to composition of that given neural circuit in a short time, and skill-based or talent-based behaviors are simulated in a short time period.
Part 2: The Significance of simulation method and its horizons
2.1. The reason for simulation method significance in Human Sciences
For long it was believed that individuals understand each other’s opinion, demand, intention and feeling by making some simulation or repetition. However, in 1980’s an opponent for such an approach, was developed in cognitive science, claiming that individuals know others’ mentality. In some case this phenomenon indicates certain evidences which indeed obtains a copy of individuals’ mood, and the action taken is not merely in the mind but is fired in some layers of the brain i.e., in the fired models of the same neurons during performance or observance of other peoples’ actions. This phenomenon is called mind simulation [2]. This firing of motor neurons is a simulation response which intensely conflicts with a theoretical response. Since motor neurons are definitely non-reflexive and their firing is not beliefs or other propositional out looks with the help of concepts, one may ask to what extent understanding is achieved [2]. The main principle of visualized stimulation hypothesis is a brilliant old hypothesis. It means individuals shape their own mental experience about what is going to be understood or interacted at the time of using their speech power mind access to concepts results in activating inner perceptive, effective and stimulant experiences. The second branch of works about visualized stimulation is based on cognitive, semantics. This hypothesis is about analytical linguistics which describes language modeling based on visual experience and knowledge. According to cognitive semantics meaning equals conceptualization. It is the mental phenomenon in which individuals apply their total experience to choose appropriate words [3].
2.2. Current function and current legal position of our method
Mind virtual and in person simulation method is now operated at Zehn O Ravan Psychology Center under Iran psychology system permission No. 992M-Iran-Tehran, with patent Reg. No. 7561 by Mr. Bigdeli, inventor of the method, published in official daily notice No. 20349 dated 2.2.2014 the center treats communicative disorders such as stuttering psychologically with behaviorism-based mind simulation with the following executive team:
- Hamid Kamarzarin[1]: PhD in psychology and academic manager of the group
- Mojtaba Bigdeli Shamloo: MA student of psychology and initial inventor of mind simulation treatment method
2.3. Objectives and perspectives
Applying a method that allows clit and skillful in duals’ superiority and skills to be reproduced in others will be significantly affective in human’s future. According to the studies done so far regarding mind stimulation which will be discussed later, this method is applied in various fields such as training soccer skills [4]. It has been also effective in decreasing stuttering and its side issues. Other fields which are studied for the effects of this method include: fast driving training, phobia treatment, tendency to smoking, etc.… which are supported by Zehn O Ravan Counseling and Psychology Center. Concerning the fact that all individuals want to minimize their limitations and maximize their competencies, it will be useful to apply an effective treatment method and further improve individuals’ abilities.
Part 3: Mind simulation method potentials
3.1. Mind simulation method in training it soccer skills
Kamarzarin,Bigdeli and Beige (2021) studied the effectiveness of this method in soccer skills. The objective of his research was studying the effectiveness of mind simulation technique in training soccer skills to teenagers which he did with a group semi-experimentally with pre-test-post-test plan. So, 20 teenagers in soccer school (age 12-19) were selected with sampling method. In pretest stage, soccer skills of the subjects were studied. Then the subjects were trained for 90 minutes with mind simulation method. In the next step, the skills were assessed through post -testing. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon test through SPSS-24 software. The results showed a significant difference between skill scores after training with mind simulation method and before that. There was a significant level of difference (P<0/0001) between ball rolling, ball height, scores and total scores of exercises as well as ball. Throwing (P<0/005). Therefore, the results of the data showed that applying mind simulation method in training soccer skills is effective, and allows faster training procedure, shorter time and higher efficiency [5].
Figure 2- The chart of soccer skills means scores in pre-training step with mind simulation method and post.
As shown in figure 1, the mean score of ball rolling, ball throwing, throwing height, scores, and total skills in post-training step was dramatically higher than pre-training one. Statistically report, there was significant difference between scores for rolling, height, scoring skills and total score as (p=0/0001) and ball throwing as (p=0/005) before and after training Ronaldo’s free kicks with mind simulation method, just like fast treatment of stuttering by mind simulation method through mind encoding and their teaching, applying the method in training soccer skills in a short time was significantly effective. The teenagers’ higher scores is evident in above chart.
The following pictures significantly shows applying this method training soccer skills
Body change after kick
After one session of mind simulation method exercise in soccer
Free kick skill with Ronaldo’s style and free kick with inside cut
3.2. Mind simulation method for stuttering treatment
This behaviorism-based method may be deemed as a reverse engineering of a desired behavior in order to establish that behavior in an individual in need, i.e. to make desirable change in speech and to substitute it with undesirable behaviors based on behavioral models of normal people as well as successful ones in terms of lecturing and oratory. In this method, an accurate study is done on normal peoples’ behavior comparing with people suffering from stuttering, and by discovering the key difference, the main speech structure of normal people is found. It also reveals what the elements of a fluent problem-free speech are, and how the verbal models of normal people can be transmitted to people suffering from stuttering. The basis of this method is mind simulation. That is to say that according to computer programming particularly objectivist languages together with psychology science, the knowledge of mind simulation and mind language was achieved. The method could design linking language with mind and brain through which the required programs can be planned and transferred to mind and brain by training. The primary principles of occupational therapy are: 1) Stuttering is mainly due to verbal learning problems and verbal imbalance; 2) Its techniques do not depend on a particular age, culture, severity and language, and can be implemented in all individuals in need. There exist more than 10 verbal techniques in this method, mostly phonic and motor, including: 1) Speech rhythm technique; 2) U technique; 3) Rotation technique; 4) Linear technique; 5) Smile technique; 6) Sleep technique; 7) Pain and moan technique; 8) Hoy technique; 9) Sing technique; 10) Lecture technique. Practicing and performing such techniques, allows the individuals with stuttering to fluent and normal at speaking [6].
The entire technique cause speech skill formation in individual with stuttering disorder. When the individual gains the skill, they can control their speech normally in any conditions. The required number of treatment sessions is 5-10. The time interval is one month for adults and two months for children under 7. More than 1000 people have been treated with this method so far. The studies show that all participants in treatment period who had done the exercises and techniques achieved +90% speech within 3 months of treatment and 3 months of follow-up, and they could simply speak where ever possible.
In kamarzarin ,Akbari’s research (2020) the participants were those who had referred for stuttering treatment to psychology clinic. 30 qualified refers without physical and mental disorders were selected through sampling, and after peering, adults of about same age with moderate to severe stuttering were voluntarily selected through clinical interview and SSI4 standard test. Treatment and further follow up sessions were held virtually due to observing health protocols for preventing Coronavirus. The results are shown in the following diagrams:
Figure 4- The mean scores of speech disorders, pause, and body language during speech before treatment, 3 months of treatment with simulation method, and 3 months follow-up based on SSI-4 test
As shown in figure 2, the mean scores of speeches, disorders pause and body language before treatment was highly sever based on SSI4 test. After performing mind simulation techniques for 3 months, the mean scores show a remarkable reduction which means mild stuttering. To prove treatment durability by mind simulation, 6 months after starting treatment another test was done in follow up step and the mean scores show more reduction which means very mild stuttering based on SSI4 recognition level. According to such academic data, we can find out the succeed mind simulation method in treatment and stabilization of behavioral models’ improvement in refers with stuttering disorder [8].
Figure 5- Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Psychological Association 2021
In another research by Falahi (2021) to study the effectiveness of mind simulation method treatment in reducing stuttering and the rate of communicative insight in children and adults (7-16 years old) with stuttering disorder, a group of 30 referring children and teenagers with stuttering disorder (21 boys and 9 girls) to Zehn O Ravan Psychological Services Center in 2020 were selected through sampling. They were at clinically interviewed to make sure of being free from any other particular disease. In pre-test step, their stuttering severity and communicative insight were measured by SSU-4 test and revised communicative insight test. Then the subjects underwent 3 months of mind simulation treatment. In post-test step, their stuttering severity and communicative insight were measured again. The findings were as follows: The results showed there was a significant difference in pre-test and post-test and follow up in stuttering mean scores (p=0/0001) and communicative insight (p=0/000), and their stuttering in follow up and post-test steps was lower than pre-test step, and their communicative insight in post-test step was higher than pre-test step. Moreover, there was not a significant difference between age groups (p=0/09) and gender (p=0/43) in treatment with mind simulation method. The above results revealed that mind simulation method treatment inherently contributes to improve stuttering and communicative insight [9].
Figure 6- The score of communicative insight improvement in pre-treatment step, three months of treatment with mind simulation method step, and one month after treatment in follow-up period based on CAT-R test of subjects with moderated severe stuttering who referred to the clinic in 2020.
As shown in figure 3, communicative insight scores (M-1/12) in pre-test is lower than post-test (M-2/30) and follow-up (M-2/58). So, communicative insight improved after treatment which revealed the effectiveness of mind simulation method treatment, because the results of Fridman test was significant (P<0/0001) [6].
In another research by Zamiri Shalkoohi (2021), the effectiveness of mind simulation technique in reducing stuttering and improving individual and social compatibility of adults with stuttering was studied. The population was all adults with stuttering (male and female, 18-40) referred to Zehn O Ravan Psychology Services Center in 2021. 26 individuals were selected from that population through available sampling method. Stuttering severity (SSI-4) and Bel compatibility questionnaire were applied for data collection. Their stuttering severity and compatibility level were measured in pre-test (before treatment), post-test (3 months after treatment), and one month of follow-up. The effectiveness of treatment method in individuals’ compatibility was studied in 5 levels: compatibility level at home; compatibility level at work; emotional compatibility level; health compatibility level; and social compatibility level. The results showed that mind simulation method treatment was effective in reducing stuttering and total compatibility, work and emotional compatibility (a-0/01). Also, there was not a significant difference in home, social, and health compatibility (a-0/01). Therefore, mind simulation method was effective in reducing stuttering and individual and social compatibility improvement [10].
Figure 7- The chart for mean scores of pre-tests, post-test, and follow-up, scores of total compatibility variable
As shown in figure 4, the total compatibility is high in pre-test which means absence of compatibility. The total compatibility mean in post-test and follow-up is lower than pre-test which unveils a desirable increase in compatibility. The study of difference with variance analysis statistical model confirms the significant difference statistically.
– Mind simulation method in treatment of stuttering with FMRI brain analysis
Another research was done by kamarzarin, Qorbani (1400) to study the effectiveness of mind simulation technique in FMRI before and after treatment of a patient’s stuttering. The subject (9-year-old Aylin, third year in school) was selected from referrers to our center in Tehran in 1400. The type of stuttering was diagnosed by stuttering severity instrument (SSI-4) and clinical interview, and organ and intelligence disorders were controlled to start the treatment. Prior to any treatment interference, subject’s FMRI was taken. Two months later, she underwent FMRI again the activities in various parts of her brain were studied with similar criteria to the first FMRI. The data was analyzed through FSL software by national brain mapping laboratory (NBML). Data analysis was done on pre and post treatment, activated areas including total 5 areas of angular and supramarginal gyrus, limbic areas which are functionally associated with memory and learning; speaking related parts such as Wernicke’s area in temporal lobe and Broca’s area in pars opercular is part in frontal lobe, and motor area in central gyrus. The activity rate of such areas was found by determining active voxels, cubically remade on brain. The results showed that following mind simulation method treatment, Bold signal increases in the areas related to speaking, memory and learning which reveals more blood supply to the said areas and the patient’s further clinical response to the treatment. Therefore, mind simulation technique was effective in stuttering treatment [11].
Figure 8- FMRI of activated areas in upper-temporal gyrus, posterior part related to sever tunic stuttering, 9-year-old Aylin referred to psychology center in 1400, taken with NBML
(Upper) figure 5 shows pre-treatment and lower figure shows post-treatment. The activated areas are in (posterior) upper temporal gyrus and upper posterior temporal lobe primarily associated with understanding the words, and linked to Broca’s area through neural path. This is where auditory codes and words meaning are saved. As shown in the figure, an increased blood supply is found in this area after treatment and more activity than pre-treatment is displayed.
Right: Angular and supra marginal gyrus in right hemisphere before treatment
Left: Angular and supra marginal gyrus in right hemisphere after treatment
Right: Wernicke’s area in left hemisphere temporal lobe before treatment
Left: Wernicke’s area in left hemisphere temporal lobe after treatment
Right: Broca’s area in left frontal lobe before treatment
Left: Broca’s area in left frontal lobe after treatment
Right: Central gyrus before treatment
Left: Central gyrus after treatment
Figure 9- Taken by NBML(national brain map lab)
As shown in figure 6, there are images from various parts of brain with vital role in language and speech such as angular gyrus (1) which deals with adapting visual form of word with auditory form of the same, and processing the visual data and sending to Wernicke’s area (2). The latter is where the auditory codes and words meaning are saved. Verbal perception is passed to Broca’s area through nerves where the related activated is sent to motor cortex (4) and the considered word is produced. As shown in above images, in all areas associated with speech (on the right) before treatment, there is more blood supply and more brain activity than after treatment (on the left) except Broca’s area which reveals patient’s clinical response to treatment.
3.4. Mind simulation method in treatment of bulimia and weight loss
In research by kamarzarin ,Anayi (2022), the effectiveness of mind simulation technique in bulimia was studied in volunteers with bulimia symptoms. 30 participants were selected from volunteers in Gormali binge eating test with +17 scores. First, subjects’ weight was written down. Then mind simulation was learnt during 2 sessions: After three months, their weight and their bulimia were re-assessed. The data results were as follow: bulimia mean scores was (M=56.23) before mind simulation method interference and (M=10.76) after 3 months of interference; the dependent t-test with degree of freedom (df=29) with significance level (p=0.00) reveals the significance of mind simulation in reducing bulimia.
Figure 10- The chart of pre-test, post-test scores for bulimia test
The above charts show pre-test, post-test scores for bulimia test. Scores and data results comparison confirms the effectiveness of mind simulation method in treatment of bulimia. The subjects’ weight average in pre-test was (M=89.45) which was reduced to (M=85.40) in post-test without any particular diet or exercise. So, it reveals that mind simulation method is also effective in weight loss. Therefore, the research findings indicate the effectiveness of mind simulation in treatment of bulimia and weight loss [12].
Part 4- Conclusion and suggestion
Concerning above mentioned parts, it can be concluded that applying mind simulation method is an applicable method in various fields such as treatment of stuttering and skills training in variety of age groups with outstanding results. Based on scientific findings by Bigdeli (2017), Kamarzarin (2021), kamarzarin,Falahi (2021), kamarzarin,Zamiri (2021),kamarzarin, /Akbari (2020), kamarzarin,beige Bigdeki (2021), and kamarzarin, Qorbani (2021) mind simulation method is a reliable solution to reduce stuttering, depression, anxiety and their associated stress; increase social relation; improve individual and social compatibility; and to train soccer skills. The current mind simulation method has remarkable influence in children, teenagers, and adults who suffer from stuttering. Therefore, it can be applied as an effective method to improve stuttering. In addition, it should be noted stuttering is highly influential in function, behavior, and characteristics which are all associated with psychological signs and mental abilities.
To end up, it is suggested that children with stuttering disorder start their treatment from the very beginning because treatment in younger ages works out well, and the catastrophic effects of stuttering in individuals’ communication and compatibility grow in adolescence and youth.
- Since the effectiveness of mind simulation method was confirmed in treatment of stuttering, it is suggested that counseling and psychological services center, psychological and psychotherapy clinics, as well as speech therapy centers take the method into consideration for improvement of stuttering.
- Comparing different levels and degrees of stuttering, as well as effectiveness of their treatment is also suggested for further studies with applicable results.
- A similar study is suggested on pre-elementary school-children with stuttering disorder to find out the effectiveness of mind simulation method in them, because stuttering is more epidemic in such an age group and any research of this kind will have higher volume of samples.
- More studies on the effect of mind simulation method in other psychological disorders, skills, and abilities such as sleep, phobia….
- It is also suggested this technique is taken in higher soccer training centers, soccer schools, and related clubs. It is notable that applying mind simulation method in all kinds of sports may lead us to better future. So, encoding and using mind simulation method seems effective in all sports [13].
A-Support and collaboration
This is to announce that our group need supports all researchers, institutes, individuals, and investors interested in studying this field; and also is ready for any collaboration to study, develop and broaden this effective method.
B-Executive Team:
Dr. Hamid Kamarzarin-Brief CV: scientific manager/supervisor of the group; holder of psychology PHD from Aligarh University in India, 27-year faculty member; author of 20 academic books on psychology, lecturer of more than 20 foreign scientific symposiums with more than 50 Persian and English academic articles; 3 times distinctive researcher of the Alborz-Iran province; member of American Marquis Who’s Who distinctive researchers for 3 successive years,2003-2005; member ofIRAN psychology and counseling system since 2007, member of American Psychologists Association since 1999; proficient in English and Arabicmpersian(native) languages .
Contacts :drkamarzarin@pnu.ac.ir and hkamarzarin2002@yahoo.com
Cellphone: 00989127719668
Private site:www.kamarzarin.com
Mojtaba Bigdeli Shamloo-Brief CV:
The creator of the method of the mind simulation in the year 2012 with the number 7567- Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, named place in the World Invention Competition of Germany in 2007 .The author of the book Simulating the Mind, Definitive Treatment of Stuttering and Smart Football 2017 – Ayat publications, The author of the book definitive treatment methods for stuttering in 2017- Ayat publications, presenter and selected articles in the two sessions of the International Conference on Psychological Innovations in 2015 and 2016 , including the American Psychological Association in 2021, Has 44 patent certificates from Iran Patent Organization in many subjects and has more than 150 unregistered patents, The creator of the definitive treatment method for stuttering, The creator of a new style in football called smart football.
Conacts: Email: bigdelimind@gmail.com
Cellphone: 00989337575002 . www.mindsimcenter.ir
Address and Contact Info:
For more information, please refer to Zehn O Ravan Counseling and Psychology Center at: Apt. No. 17, 4th FL., NO.44, Taghavi Str., opposite gas station, North Sohrevardi Ave., Motahari Ave., Tehran.
To visit comments of the clients and their progress please refer to mind-e-center on Instagram or the following websites: www.mindsimcenter.com
Reception: 00989163709540
Instagram: mind_e_center, www.mindisimcenter@com
- Kamarzarin, H. Golestani, A. Kordmirza, A (2021), “Professional Dictionary of Psychology”. Avaye Noor Pub. Tehran
- Roush, Sherrilyn (2016), “Simulation and Understanding Other Minds, Philosophical Issues”,
- Bigdelin Shamloo, M. (2017). Mind Simulation Knowledge. “Programming Language, Definity Treatment of Stuttering and Smart Soccer”. Ayat Pub. Ahwaz.
- Kamarmzarin H, Beygi M, Bigdeli Shamloo M. (2021), “The Effectiveness of Fast Soccer Training in Adolesscent by Mind Simulation Technique”. ACSTM 2021. 20-21 November. Dubai, U.A.E.
- Beigi, M. (2021), “Effectiveness of Mind Simulation in Training Soccer Skills at Young Adults’ Soccer School”. Mind Simulation Thesis, Advising Prof. Dr. Kamarzarin, H. Payam e Noor University, Karaj.
- Kamarzarin, H; Falahi, Z; Tehranizadeh, M. (1400), “the Effect of Mind Simulation in Reducing Stuttering Level and communicative Medicine, Periodical 11, No.4.
- Akbari, Z. (2020), the Effectiveness of Desirable Behavior Modeling Technique Based on Mind Simulation in Treatment of Moderate to Sever Stuttering before and after Technique Implementation”. Mind Simulation Thesis, Advising Prof. Dr. Kamarzarin, H. Payam e Noor University, Karaj.
- Kamarzarin H, Akbari Z, Bigdeli Shamloo M. (2021), “Mind Simulation Virtual Treatment for Patients Stuttering and Psychological Problems”. APA Convention 2021. Division 46.
- Falahi, Z. (2021) The Effect of Mind Simulation in Reducing Stuttering Level and Communicative Insight in children and Teenagers (7 to 16)” Mind Simulation Thesis, Advising Prof. Dr. Kamarzarin, H. Payam e Noor University, Karaj.
- Zamiri Shalkoohi Z. (2021), “The Effectiveness of Mind Simulation Method in Reducing Stuttering and Improving Individual and Social Compatibility in Adults Suffering from Stuttering” Mind Simulation Thesis, Advising Prof. Dr. Kamarzarin, H. Payam e Noor University, Karaj.
- Qorbani F. (2021), “The Effectiveness of Mind Simulation Method in FMRI of Individuals Stuttering, Before and After Treatment” Mind Simulation Thesis, Advising Prof. Dr. Kamarzarin, H. Payam e Noor University, Karaj.
- Anayi A. (2021), “The Effectiveness of Mind Simulation Method in Bulimia in Group of Volunteers with Bulimia Symptoms”, Mind Simulation Thesis, Advising Prof. Dr. Kamarzarin, H. Payam e Noor University, Karaj.
- Kamarzarin H., Bigdeli Shamloo M., Falahi Z. (2021), “Mind Simulation Method and Its Potential in Fast Treatment of Stuttering and Some Studied Fields”, 5th National Congress on Psychology and Humanities, Tehran, Iran.
Islamic Republic of Iran
Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance
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Work Reg. No.: 7561
Request Rec. NO.: 6735
At the request No.:6735 dd:2015,Feb.,2 submitted to this bureau , the work titled “Description of Mind Simulation Knowledge and Mind Language” was registered on 2015,Jan,15 in the name of Mr. Mojtaba Bigdeli Shamloo residing at No. 46, Jahad 4 (Pooria 1) Str., Kooye Mojahed, Ahvaz as per article 1-2, the Act of “Protecting the rights of authors, composers, and artists” approved in 1969, and the same was published on official daily No. 20349 dd:2015,Jan,22.
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The registration certificate of Mr. Mojtaba Bigdeli Shamloo’s mind simulation method
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